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Why you need immediate medical attention after a car accident

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2024 | PERSONAL INJURY (PLAINTIFF) - Car Accidents |

If you are involved in a car accident, it’s crucial to seek medical help immediately, even if you lack visible injuries. It can be tempting to overlook it if you feel fine, but this can be a costly mistake.

Here is why you should seek medical attention after a car accident:

Discover hidden injuries

Some injuries you may sustain in a crash may have delayed symptoms. And this is partly caused by an adrenaline rush. When the body releases adrenaline, your abilities, including mental concentration, are heightened to help you get out of a threat, which, in this case, is the accident. The hormone distracts you from the sensation of pain to allow you to keep moving. 

A doctor should examine you to detect and treat hidden injuries on time. If you fail to seek medical attention, you may begin to notice pain hours or days later (after the effects of adrenaline subside). An injury may have worsened by this time.

Strengthen your case

When filing a car accident claim, the other driver’s insurer will want you to show how the accident caused your injuries. Proving this element can be easier when you have medical records establishing you received treatment on the same day the accident happened. The longer you take to seek medical help after an accident, the more complicated your case can be.

It’s not unheard of for insurance companies to claim that factors outside an accident may have led to one’s injuries. You want to eliminate such a potential defense by having timely medical records. Nonetheless, do not avoid fighting for your rights because of delayed medical attention.

A car accident can negatively impact your life. Obtain adequate information about your case to know the right way to approach it.