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The 3 types of driver distractions

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2025 | PERSONAL INJURY (PLAINTIFF) - Car Accidents |

Driver distraction is a major factor in injury and death-causing crashes. Paying full attention to the road all the time is one of the simplest steps drivers can take to increase safety.

One of the reasons drivers continue getting distracted is that they don’t always realize when they are distracted. They don’t always realize how doing a particular thing will affect their ability to drive. 

How does distraction work?

Most people do not understand the actual mechanics of distraction. Distraction works in three ways when people are driving:

  1. Physical distraction: In driving school they teach you to have two hands on the wheel at all times. This gives you the best control of the wheel. You cannot steer as well one-handed as with two hands and you certainly can’t drive safely using your elbows. Yet you still see plenty of drivers doing just this.
  2. Visual distraction: You can focus your eyes on the road, or you can focus them on something else. They can’t however focus on both at the same time. If you are looking at your notes, then you are not looking at the road. If you are gazing out the window at the view, then you are not looking at the traffic.
  3. Cognitive distraction: What do you think about when you drive? Probably all sorts of things. People sometimes tout driving as a good way to switch off, or as a time when they can think through issues. All this is a problem, as to drive safely, you need to keep your brain fully engaged and focused on one task only – driving.

Distracted driving is so common that it is always worth considering if a crash occurs. If you can show the other driver was not paying full attention to the road, it could boost your compensation claim.